Monday, January 25, 2010

why so serious?

One thing I've been learning these past few months is that not everything has to be so serious. Well, "serious" as I understand it, at least.

I don't know what else to say. I was going to write a longer post about the topic but maybe there isn't a whole lot more to say. Just... learn to laugh and enjoy the simple things. Maybe things that aren't necessarily "holy" or "Christian-y" but are definitely meant to be enjoyed. Things like spending time with people and laughing with them, like eating and cooking and playing games.

Hopefully I will also have some lighter posts and just get into a habit of writing more. I think this is partially why it's hard for me to continue to write, because I think if it's not something serious or deep or profound it isn't worth it. Similarly how sometimes I feel like I need to have really deep/personal/spiritual conversations with people in order for the time we spend together to be well-spent. But I think this is wrong. Laughing with people is worth it.

Of course, as with everything, there is a line to be drawn and a healthy balance.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sam. your post reminds me of myself several years ago when i was coming out of college rcf. perhaps due to the culture or what have you, i was somehow programmed to have the need to have "deep spiritual" conversations in order to feel like something of value happened. it's natural to feel like that though, particuarly when the environment/culture is conditioned and conducive for a certain way. i remember i initially had a difficult time transitioning in the working world b/c obviously you don't have deep conversations with colleagues immediately.

good post. keep writing.