Wednesday, September 24, 2008

(spoken) words & relationships? Or something?

I recently realized that sometimes I really struggle to verbalize my thoughts. Which kind of bothers me, because I generally like to think that I'm pretty good at explaining myself and communicating what I'm thinking to other people (verbally). Even before saying something, even if I mentally say to myself what I'm hoping to say, it never seems to come out the same once I start talking. I think part of it's because my mind is all over the place when I have a lot on it, so it's hard to really remember things I wanted to say.

I guess this is kinda why I like to write. Like maybe it helps me process things, even though I think for the most part I just write whatever comes to my mind. My writing tends to be relatively conversational; people have told me that they can hear my voice saying these words as I type them. Which I guess is kinda nice.

But let me just say, I love, love love love, straight up, raw, human, in-person interaction. Part of me always feels like writing, chatting, even to a point, talking on the phone, is not how we were really meant to relate to each other. And that there is something really special about the human voice that nothing else really has; something powerful and moving. Something, well, human.

I think we also tend to forget how powerful (and because of this, destructive) our words, our voices can be. Sometimes, the slightest compliment will simply make my day, or a little side comment will hurt for hours. And maybe it's because I'm sensitive, or people are insensitive, or something, but I'm sure this happens for everyone.

I don't really know how I got here and it doesn't really seem to relate, but...

For a little bit I forgot the value of personal relationships. I think this is a truth that we should all never forget; that true, true life transformation comes from relationships. In all shapes and sizes. Our relationship with God, with our peers, eventually our spouses, our parents; people make a difference to people. God wants a relationship with us; Christ had, has, a relationship with us. If we want to be Christ to people around us, if we want to love them, we need to have relationships with them (something that I think naturally comes out of love, among other things...)

And I think a big part of relationships is spending time with people. In person. Using words, and actions, and our voices, and our time, and... well, a lot of things. But words... man, sometimes words are full of life, full of humanness. Full of love even. Words are funny, because words in themselves seem to limit us in our expression; but our voices... our voices are limitless.

I feel like this should've been broken up into two posts, about the verbal words that we speak to each other and the inter-personal relationships that we have (and the value that I think they should have). But so is my struggle to clearly and concisely relay my thoughts, as is my laziness to break this up, edit it further and the like. But, there is some pretty cool link between our voices and how we interact with people. And I wish we could just go back to how we most naturally interact... without the paper, the ink, the monitor and electronics between us.

1 comment:

Bommy Kim said...

"...true, true life transformation comes from relationships."


I think you'll like this, if you haven't read it already lol:

