Thursday, January 7, 2010

life was meant to live!

There are many things on my mind right now, and (I think) many ideas floating around my mind waiting to come out in words, waiting to be externally processed and reviewed. But in an effort to collect my thoughts and in preparation to write, I came to realize that some of these thoughts are not really relevant to me. That is, though they would end up being an expression of my views and opinions (and some convictions) they are not really something I am going through now, per say. (Not that this isn't a reason to write about them, but more because that was the original reason for my wanting to post).

But I am reminded that today must be lived, well, today. Life must be lived (to an extent) in the now. I think too often I let myself be held back by thoughts of doubts, by questions without answers or by the uncertainty of the future. Why should that keep me from living today? Not simply waking up and sleeping, breathing and eating, but I mean, living. Embracing life.

I won't lie, I've been thinking a lot about the future, but I don't know if that's really done me any good. It's pulled some attention from the things right in front of me. (Of course, I will admit that thought, planning and prayer ought to go into our choices for the future, but I think too much planning for the future might make it hard for us to be obedient to God.)

Though I don't know what lies and awaits ahead, I know what's right in front of me now, and I must do my best to faithfully serve and love. Regardless of where I'll be, I need to be at peace with where I am. I pray that I will learn to be fully and solely satisfied in the goodness and greatness of God, today, not tomorrow.


steve(n) said...

I feel like I've read this entry by you before...

Mallory Shan said...

i feel like you have written THAT comment before...

Sam said...

probably both true... haha.