Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rediscovering books!

One thing that I set out to do this past summer (for the first time in awhile) was to start reading. At the top of my list was Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, along with others such as Far As the Curse is Found, recently Just Do Something, and currently Celebration of Discipline. Of course, reading books by other Christian thinkers does not replace reading the Bible, but it certainly gives insight into the Word, along with encouragement, helpful interpretation and practical suggestions for how to apply it to our lives.

I think inherently there is also a danger in reading books that are instructional by nature, as they are (obviously) not the authoritative Word of God. That being said, we must be careful not to consider what we read as authoritative or as "truth," but take it all with a grain of salt and test it against the Word of God.

But for those who even read this, I would implore you to start reading (or continue to read and process) the works of Christian thinkers. There are certainly a lot of books and writers that I haven't touched on and I've only recently read a small number of books, but the ones that I've read have offered unique perspectives that few (if anyone) could offer in such an articulate and through-out way. And I think a growing and changing perspective radically changes the way we live our lives, and in turn, live for God.

So please pick up a good book instead of sitting in front of the TV. I know it's hard sometimes because it's really hard for me, but just read a little bit every day and it will get easier. Think about what you're reading and test it against the Word. Ask for wisdom and discernment and seek first His Kingdom. Here are a few reasons why I think we all should read the works of other Christians (specifically books; blogs are good and all, but sometimes don't give as complete of an argument or are not as thought out).

I was thinking about making a list of reasons why reading books have helped me, but hopefully my writings/reviews/whatevers from books will suffice. I've been incredibly blessed by reading the few books that I have, and hope you will be too.

Currently trying to focus on Celebration of Discipline. Will write on it soon, as I think it also helps me process what I read and make it more concrete in my mind.

1 comment:

hans said...

try reading spiritual disciplines for the christian life by donald whitney