Monday, July 21, 2008

Japan, Day 3

Today is our third day in Japan. We arrived Saturday night, and had a jam packed day Sunday, going to three different services at the church here (Toyohashi Hosanna Christ Church or THCC), had lunch with the members, then spent the rest of the day meeting people at the church and giving them an opportunity to get to know us.

It has already been quite a rewarding experience, to say the least. The church here isn't in as bad of a shape as people have seemed to make it out to be, but from talking to one of the pastors and a local missionary, things have changed a lot in the past year. Talking to the church members has been an incredible encouragement as well. Many of the middle-aged members grew up in Shinto or Buddhist households, and met Christ many years ago, and are now faithful members of the church and disciples of Jesus.

But from hearing their testimonies, I have also heard firsthand the problem that we were previously informed of; there are very few new, younger Christians. Most came to Christ many years ago, between 15 and 20 years in the past. There is a desire to see more growth, but not a whole lot has happened until this past year. The few people that grew up in church often leave in high-school because their studies take too much time, or fail to continue in their faith as they go to college.

However, the people involved in the church here seem to be pretty dedicated to their faith and to serving at THCC. This dedication and hope to see more happen in itself has been very encouraging, given their circumstances.

Though there does seem to be this strong sense of community within the church and dedication to the body, it has been mentioned that we're not quite sure if everyone here is fully aware of what is going on. That we are in the midst of a spiritual battle, a constant struggle against "the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms," among many things.

There is a desire for more, but I am afraid that it might be easy for them to settle into what they now know and are familiar in Christ. I pray that we'll be able to push them to push for more in what we do. Of course, it's easy for anyone to just be happy with where they are, but it seems to be so much easier in this culture. A lot is swept under the rug, but things leak through here and there. It is not uncommon for people to die from working too hard at their job; they even have a special word for the act itself. Often, the choice must be made between work and family/friends; there is no in between.

I cannot help but feel that there is a constant darkness watching over this place.

Today we prayed for God's glory and kingdom to come into Japan, into Toyohashi, into the hearts of the people here. That the walls around people's hearts would come down, that we would see revival, renewal, a new generation risen up that is living for the Lord.

I prayed that love would fill our hearts and overflow into all of the hears here in Toyohashi.

There is an overflow of thoughts and feelings running through me, and most likely will be for the rest of the trip. I pray that God will constantly be on my mind and on my heart, that I will continually be praying for those I interact with and build relationships with. The Christ would be glorified in all that I do.

Much more is to come. God is undoubtedly doing something here. Please pray that more will be revealed and that our team and the people here would respond to His call without hesitation. And that His love would be what drives me to love my brothers and sisters, fully, unconditionally.

Time for dinner. Bye

1 comment:

Mallory Shan said...

i'm now a faithful reader of your blog. congrats :P
i'll keep on praying for you guys.