I started this blog in May of 2008, and I think it's time to bring it to a close soon. In a shallow way, simply because of the title and the URL, but also because I want a sort of "fresh" start to the blogging world and I think I need to change my outlook on things a little bit.
The title comes from the idea of counting the cost of things... namely, discipleship under Jesus Christ. Rarely do we, and did I, count the cost of becoming a disciple, and in ways became caught up in knowing that we never really give up enough for the Gospel. We give parts of our hearts, minutes of our day, part of our lives... but we never really give it all. So I wanted this blog to be about that cost; about what it means to follow Jesus, about the price that we have to pay.
I think this might be a bleak outlook on life and what it means to be a Christian, and maybe stumbled me more than I realized.
All that being said, I have a lot to think about / reflect on from the past four years of my life, and I hope that as this blog comes to a close I will share those reflections here.
But, let's finish this off strong.